September 18, 2012

I'm in Love

It seems to me that having problems connecting to the internet is enough to make a persons day miserable. I've been experiencing such problems during the past few days, and it was not pleasant. Considering how I live, spending the majority of my time with my laptop screen glaring right into my eyes, loosing internet connection does in fact feel like loosing the purpose of your life. Reading about dream connections as Google Fiber after such unfortunate events simply makes their features look even more heavenly.

So, ladies and gentlemen, here are those features which seem like a dream:

- 1000 Mbs, now that's the highlight that speaks for itself. Imagine what you could do. How much of the time you spend debating philosophical topics in your mind as you wait for that download to finish would be saved. Maybe you could start a new hobby, I highly suggest playing an instrument, with all the free time you may have. Or you could simply use more of the internet, you probably won't have to stop everything else online to run applications properly or to actually finish a download. What you can do really has no limits, you could even start a local internet cafe and earn money from it.

- A promotional terabyte cloud space, extra features such as several google boxes that seem pretty handy, a chromebook, and the nexus 7.

Unfortunately Google Fiber is currently only offered in Kansas City, KS and MO.   :(
But Google is actively widening the area of their new service, maybe the next lucky city is yours!
Also, according to Google's official how-to video below, you can help yourself to receive the service.

Check out Google's website to see where they're headed next:

I believe love is the best description of my feelings toward Google at the moment. I am even thinking of ways to move to Kansas City, but I think the best I could do for now is to hope that this service will be successful and that Google will decide to go worldwide with it (my fingers are crossed). Even so, I am considering myself lucky, as I do have one of the best connections offered in my area, and have several friends living in the same area who have not even been able to connect properly for over two weeks now. Oh well, dreaming won't cause any harm (I hope not ;) ).